Too funny...
I'm at Cheers and the day waitress just told me that they went to
Manchester the other night and said they work at Cheers and
Maeve asked if they knew me. Guess things get around, you know?
Anyway, I'm in a weird mood today. Don't know what to do about the whole Stallion situation. I can't believe the feelings he has for me. Half of me wants to pursue it, but then I remember what Dr. G asked me this afternoon-- if he were
single would I want to go out with him? I think the answer would be know.
So, my mind is still on Narc
and on the personal as political. I feel a little weird/ nervous about hanging out with
Bezoukhoff tonight. Things are too clear, you know? Too clear to ignore.
Libris (no known author, mystery section)
Book is called "Ex
Libris" ("Rose")
Bezoukhoff owes you!